Friday, July 31, 2009

Friday Free-For-All

Introducing what might be another regular feature of The Big "C." I say "might" because there's no way to tell how well this will go, or how much you're willing to participate. But I plan to be taking Saturdays off from now on, so I thought I'd offer up something worth checking into over a 2 day period.

And what's more worth checking into than a collection of your answers to semi-provocative questions.

That's right: It's time for you to weigh in.

The inaugural question for the pilot run of this Friday Free-For-All stems from the stunning lack of defense for the Natalie Merchant song I pummelled on Tuesday's post. What? No Merchant fans out there? Were you afraid I'd go all Barry on you if you wrote to defend it?

Well, so OK, I promise there will be no Barry-ing of any FFFA contributions.

But here's the point I'd like to re-visit about that song: The words did not fit the music. The music did not fit the lyrics. If you're OK with that, OK.

What I'm looking for is other examples of songs where the music conjures one kind of image or mood or feeling, but the lyrics describe something that just doesn't match.

You don't have to write much about it. A title suffices. If you want to add a brief description, great. Whatever you got.

Note on posting: I've gotten e-mails from several folks saying they tried to post, but couldn't figure it out. The key is to choose "anonymous" under "profile." Everything else is pretty straightforward.

And, for that matter, if you want your post to stay anonymous, then don't bother signing at the bottom of your message and we'll never know.

So go for it! I can't wait to see what you come up with!


Anonymous said...

Alanis Morissette always comes to mind on lyrics and music not quite fitting together. But somehow the point gets across.

Anonymous said...

Ive been looking for a reaston to comment and now here it is.

Afternoon Delight.

The song sounds like it should be a couple roller skating together and eating ice cream cones. Then you listen to the words and teh couple is NOT roller skating or eating ice cream cones together.

Anonymous said...

Lips Of An Angel...funny, I just told Eric yesterday I love the music and I love the guys voice but I don't like what the lyrics represent...