Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Radiation Update


Three pieces of good news to report:

1. While I still get a touch nauseous from treatments, it's milder than before and I don't need to medicate for it.

2. The standard reaction is for the skin to burn red first, then turn into a tan. I had some itchiness, but mostly, the skin is going straight to a tan. A little weird, I admit, to be tanned by radiation, but I'm thankful I'm not suffering a skin burn right now.

3. So far, no lymphedema has been triggered in my arm, which happens about a quarter of the time during radiation. Please keep praying that side effect would be warded off now and forever! (I met a woman in the chemo barn whose lymphedema was triggered 12 years into remission. . .)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great to hear our good news, Amy. Merry Christmas. I'm in Denver this week. Take good care. Adriane