Friday, January 1, 2010

And as for A?

What did A's husband get her for Christmas?

Back when Gemma came along, Bryan gave me a charm bracelet, and he's faithfully been adding charms to it. Each one is a well-considered symbol.

Some are obvious: A teddy bear for when Gemma was born.

Some are cute: A bison for when we lived in Kansas.

Some have long stories behind them: A Korean pipe as a symbol for how much fun we have together. (That's not supposed to make sense to you because I haven't told you the long story.)

Some are poetic: A pitcher, because I "pour out my life for Bryan and the kids."

And some are sweet: A Korean palace gate. For, in Seoul, there remain the 4 massive gates of a palace long since gone to ruins, and at each gate, there is a huge market. When I saw the charm, I asked, "Is this a symbol of how much shopping I've done here?"

He said, "No, I gave it to you because you're my queen."

This Christmas, the charm was. . .can you guess?

A hat.

And I thought that was great all by itself. But then came the accompanying explanation:

Because one day, I will wear a hat only when I want to.


Anonymous said...

Love the stories and the photos.

So what did you and Gemma go to see at the theater? It looks like her hair is getting curly and long again in the theater photo.

Mary Jean

SET said...

Sweet - and so true! Hope the holiday(s) were wonderful. And I'll call you back soon.

Amy Ponce! said...


Theater story to follow.


Our Christmas was GREAT. What I'm really looking forward to hearing about is YOUR Christmas. ;)

Emily said...

I love the story about the charm bracelet and the ancedote about the hat--a tribute to your bravery and sense of humor, Amy. The weather in Denver was not *too* balmy 12/23. I was there and none of the locals even wanted to drive. Got worse as the day wore into evening too. Take great care and a happy and blessed 2010 for you and yours. Adriane