Friday, January 15, 2010

Wellness Update

I'm wearing a pressure sleeve and a pressure glove, so typing is not all that easy.

Or, I could say that typing is easy, and making typo's, even moreso. All this makes me given to brevity.

My follow-up with the lymphedema therapist is on Monday, whence we'll see whether I'm responding to the pressure-sleeve-therapy. I also "manually drain" my lymphatic system. Who even knows anything about the lymphatic system let alone that one could "manually drain" it?

I have 7 radiations left to go, and my skin, this week, has finally screamed in protest. I'm glad I don't have a nerve connected to that chest wall, because it's now covered in a 2nd degree--bordering on 3rd degree--burn.

After the 3:30 treatment, it's pretty uncomfortable (from the bit that I can feel). But by morning, it's converted to mostly a tan. In all, I'm pretty thankful the skin has been responding so well. I'm thankful, too, for the lydocaine-aloe gel that I can apply liberally.

On the other hand, the rest of my body is pretty aware that a chunk of it is having the cancer burned out of it. And it's working really hard to restore the damage. I'm so exhausted. All the time. I'm sleeping about 10 hours a day, and still feel like I could take a nap at any given moment.

Ah, well. Only 7 more treatments.

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