Friday, March 26, 2010

Just heard from Amy

She's on track for heading home this afternoon - easier to get some rest in a quiet house than a noisy hospital. She did, however, decide to stick around for lunch since hospital food is so tasty...

Amy sounded good although disappointed at the return of her lymphodema - hopefully this is due to having fluids pumped into her during surgery and she'll be able to process it out like before.

I'm guessing that there will be a lot of napping over the next couple days and I don't know when she'll feel like getting back to the blog but feel free to continue leaving comments - she'll enjoy reading them when she gets here and I know that she really appreciates all the support and love coming her way!

Sister #1


Unknown said...

We are so happy the surgery went well. Hope you get lots of rest. Thanks Laura for the updates!

SET said...


Glad things are going well - sending prayers from the original hometown, and like before you have made the dinner prayer list here! Subbed at IC today and Jane Conners asked about you and sends her thoughts - she thought it was wild Suzanne and I were coming out to visit. OK, some random thoughts, but thought you might like the randomness. Take care of yourself - get some rest.

Suzanne said...

God bless Jane Connors.